

Here is a guide that highlights the key points of the modern fitness industry as a business. The book will help a purposeful person at the initial stage of opening his own business to choose an idea, organizational and legal form, register the enterprise, obtain permits, develop a business plan and development strategy.

This book is written by a couple who once also did not know where to start. Today, they are successful owners of the chain of fitness clubs "Malibu", and are also engaged in other types of business. Having experienced the difficulties and variability of business development in Ukraine, the authors decided to summarize their experience and help budding entrepreneurs.

Readers who want to increase their capital, develop a network of an insulation enterprise, create a brand and become a legend will learn the formula for the right opening, aggressive marketing techniques, brand building algorithms, ways to scale a business, secrets of working with personnel, rules of management accounting and will understand the peculiarities inherent of business in the style of "fitness" It is recommended for novice businessmen, managers of small enterprises and everyone who needs professional help in creating and expanding their own business.

Price:The book BUSINESS IN THE STYLE OF "FITNESS", electronic version (in three languages to choose from: Ukrainian/Eng/Rus) - 297 UAH.
The book BUSINESS IN THE STYLE OF "FITNESS", paper edition with the author's autograph (in two languages to choose from: Ukrainian/Eng/Rus) - 450 UAH.
The book BUSINESS IN FITNESS STYLE, paper edition with the author's autograph (in two languages to choose from, Ukrainian/Eng/Rus) + 3 Skype consultations with the authors - 997 UAH.


The book provides answers to many questions that are of practical importance for both business beginners and entrepreneurs with extensive experience in running their business. The practical experience gained in the process of business development from a small entrepreneur to a large network that serves more than 20,000 customers every day, employs more than 500 people and has more than 50 branches is described. In my opinion, in a relatively small volume, all aspects of starting a business from scratch and recommendations are reflected. tions regarding its scaling on the example of a real business.

Oles Timofeev

Internet entrepreneur, founder of an educational company
Genius Marketing ( and the largest online business conference in the CIS (

The recommendations given in the book are the result of the unique experience of the creators of one of the leaders of the fitness market of Ukraine and the CIS network of Malibu fitness clubs. The book will serve as an excellent guide for both owners and trainers in developing a fitness business. If you dream of opening your own fitness club or other business, but you don't have enough resources, or you don't have enough knowledge about how to start a business "from scratch" SCALE it to leadership positions in the market, then this book contains the answers to all your business related issues.

Vadym Humenyuk

president of UFA-Ukrainian Fitness Association (, director of the International Tennis Academy

While reading, I discovered a very important and useful idea about the possibility of doing fitness business for athletes who are coming from big sports and may be needed in this line of business, and the book can serve for them not just as a textbook on fitness business, but also as a step-by-step guide.

Igor Zhdanov

Minister of Sports of Ukraine

The value of the real publication is that it contains unique advice from the team that created the whole network of fitness clubs "Malibu", warns against possible mistakes and mistakes that are made in business activities. In many ways, thanks to the Malibu chain, Kharkiv turned into the capital of small business and fitness business of Ukraine. The guys started their business in Kharkiv and scaled it all over Ukraine and beyond, and set a good example for many entrepreneurs who found their niche in business thanks to them.

Konstantin Kurashev

Head of the youth department
and sports of the Kharkiv city administration.

Many books and various manuals have been written on the topic of starting a business and its successful development, which are theoretical statements detached from practice. They are most suitable for students of educational institutions. The real edition is distinguished by its "down-to-earthness", and in my opinion, is the best guide to improving business, financial accounting and marketing, not only for novice entrepreneurs, but also for businessmen with extensive experience in various industries. I will emphasize the social orientation of the business. The position of the company's managers is admirable, that they are interested not only in the material side of successful business development, which is of course important, but also in caring for the company's employees, and moral satisfaction from doing what they love is of great importance.

Viktor Lokotkov

launched and, EX-CMO GeniusMarketing, Speaker of the Free School of Marketing, PRJCTR, LOB17, Google, Mentor of Google Launchpad, Co-founder of LVL80 Marketing School and New
York Business School Europe

I read this book with interest, because I myself have been developing my franchise network for many years. In my opinion, the experience of creating a franchise and developing a network is interesting. I think readers will find the advice on working with personnel and flexibility of business depending on the season to be valuable. The chapter containing recommendations on the survival of fitness clubs in crisis conditions deserves attention. With ease of presentation and determination to overcome all difficulties at various stages of business development, the book inspires confidence that EVERY entrepreneur will definitely succeed!

Vadim Bortnyk

founder of the international chain of fast food restaurants "FreshLine" (50 restaurants in the CIS)

After reading the book, I am surprised. The fact is that Dmytro created a complete and systematic guide to opening and running a managed business. Here are the necessary basic knowledge and tips for business. I found the procedure for opening and registering a business in the book; document flow and personnel registration procedure. Useful advice is given on the procedure for drawing up a business plan, on the need for repairs. There are very valuable tips for concluding a rental agreement. I recommend it to everyone who does not want to learn from their mistakes in business, but prefers someone else's.

Ihor Tsalenchuk

Professional manager, 18 years of experience in top management of large companies. MBA, Certified IPMA, Member of Project Management Institute, owner of two companies in the field of online education, Co-founder of New York Business School Europe,


Electronic version


Printed version


Printed version
+ 3 Skype consultations


Electronic version


Printed version
+ 3 Skype consultations
