
Book "Quality service"

The book "Quality Service" contains the rules of customer service in beauty salons and fitness centers. In a funny and original way, the author presents the key mistakes that employees of the beauty and fitness industry make. Each section has recommendations on how to correct your mistakes. The book is written in simple language, by a practitioner who improves the work of fitness and beauty clubs.

After reading the book, you will have the opportunity to make the service at your company a promise to your client that they will come back again.

Who is this book for?

The book "Quality service" for directors and owners of beauty salons and fitness centers. After all, these industries are very close in the spirit of customer service.

The book contains practical advice on customer service. After all, for clients of fitness clubs and beauty salons, the most important thing is attitude and warmth.

5 reasons to buy the book "Quality Service"

1. The book presents simple rules of customer service in a beauty salon and fitness center, by applying them you will increase loyalty and the percentage of regular customers.
2. Presentation of the rules in a simple and humorous form, and even "non-readers" will easily understand the text.
3. "Quality service" is the only book in the CIS that simultaneously describes the rules of work in a beauty salon and a fitness center.
4. The author gives practical advice and shares his many years of experience. No - theory, Yes - practice.
5. The book contains tools and recommendations that you can apply the next day after reading this rule.

Quotes from the book

Quality service
Quality service is like love, a special relationship between two people, and these relationships must be maintained, and titanic efforts must be made to maintain them.

Good customer service costs less than bad customer service.

The best beauty salon of the 2000s
Clients change, and their needs change with them. It is important to adapt and change, keeping your nose in the wind. Either you forget about your age, regalia and merits and work as if you are just conquering the market, or you leave it. Shall we try?

It's too expensive for us
There is an opinion that clients are not ready to pay for an expensive fitness or beauty salon, they can go to a cheaper one. Wrong opinion.


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