
The book "Political Stress Management"

The book "Political Stress Management" is a practical guide for politicians and public figures, as well as for specialists in political consulting.

Politics is one of the most stressful areas of human activity.

The book contains practical exercises and advice on how to manage stress and how to avoid it competently. What to do if you are constantly stressed because of elections or work in a political party. A number of recommendations on public speaking have also been collected, since this aspect in politics causes the most stress and fear. Everyone experiences stress, it's important to learn how to manage it, and this book will help you do just that.

Who is this book for?

The book "Political Stress Management" is intended for everyone who feels stress in their life and work. These can be both young and experienced politicians, as well as managers, heads of election headquarters. Even simple agitators.

Quotes from the book

"A politician of any caliber simply must master the art of rhetoric and competently work with the public. After all, these are his voters. And taking into account the fact that in our time means of communication and technology have reached incredible progress, this quality can become decisive."

"When you voluntarily help others, you also help yourself. Voluntary participation in the lives of others contributes to strengthening one's own health and increases stress resistance."

"It is necessary to rest every day - after all, strength is necessary for a standing confident victory, and sometimes, strength leaves a politician at the most inopportune moment"

Qualities of politicians
"In politics, it is important to have two qualities - foresight (the ability to calculate moves 3-4 moves ahead) and, probably, unprincipledness. And yet the third secret quality is the ability to manage one's stress."


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