
The book "Selling Cosmetics"

The beauty industry is an attractive segment of the market that attracts professionals with the promise of high paychecks and the pleasure of creating beauty. However, are all the possibilities of meeting the needs of customers used by the employees of the enterprises of the beauty industry? No! And the most frequent reason for this is incompetence and internal resistance to personal sales. This book brings together the author's experience in improving the effectiveness of sales teams in the beauty industry, thanks to which you will start selling more often, more and with pleasure! You will receive sales tools and techniques, discover the power of an individual approach, and realize the magic of genuinely caring for your customers. Read, implement and prosper!

Who is this book for?

Selling Cosmetics is a unique book that shows the sales process and techniques for craftsmen and administrators in the first part of the book and for sales representatives in the second part.

This is a practical guide with examples, scripts and algorithms that will help increase sales of home care lines in a beauty salon. Also increase sales of cosmetics to beauty salons if you are a supplier.

Quotes from the book

I don't want to sell anything!
I don't want to be intrusive...
I don't want to look like a network marketing salesman.
I'm shy.
I think these are too expensive cosmetics for my clients.
They use another brand.
When they ask, then I will tell...
Customers simply do not need these cosmetics.
They have no money now.
I know better.
I am a master, not a seller!
In order to start selling, you first need to learn more about cosmetics, and I haven't tried them in these three years.

I recommend that every newbie create their own sales checklist. It seems to me that it is necessary to master sales techniques in parallel with the main process. Yes, professional skills are more important, but it is better to build technicians into the service algorithm in advance. This approach is due to the fact that when the master has formed as a professional, it is much more difficult to change his habits.


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